Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Does Waxing Your Skin Cause Wrinkles?

No, wrinkles are natural ridges in the skin and normally appear to everyone as we get older. Waxing is just mere removing of hair or covering your face with wax and this cannot cause face to have wrinkles. When your skin is immersed in water for long period may develop wrinkles. Wrinkles first appeared on your face as a result of facial expressions. Your face may also develop wrinkles if exposed to the sun for a long time. Actually, I can say wrinkles are inevitable part of natural aging process that every person regardless of gender will go through.

The following are the main factor that cause wrinkles

1. Smoking
This actually is one of the main cause of facial wrinkles. The more you smoke, the more your skin weakens hence forming wrinkles. Smoking a part from causing wrinkles it is also harmful to your health since it causes many other health problems such as difficulties in breathing, lungs problem, reduce blood circulation among many others. The smoke that remains in your body since it was not intended to be in the body it forces itself to penetrate in yours vain hence causing them to block. The blocked veins have very hard time to circulate blood to all the parts of the body, and this is why wrinkles develop because the upper part of the body is not getting enough blood. To live a healthy lifestyle you need to get rid of smoking lifestyle immediately.

2. Genetic factor
This is usually inherited from the family members, such that if your parents or grandparents developed wrinkles at early age, then the chances of you getting wrinkles at early age are significantly high. Genetic factors are inevitable since no way you can avoid it no matter what you do because is like a family culture. You have to accept it and move on because it is a natural process to everyone despite the different times they may appear in different people. Besides, wrinkles are not diseases such that it can kill you or make disable but rather a natural process.

3. Clothes
Yes, this may sound not serious, but it is true that the clothes you wear may lead wrinkles. Mostly people who wear hats and long sleeves they usually develop wrinkles later in life as compared to those individuals who do not wear these things, besides being of the same skin type. Avoid wearing those things if you do not want wrinkles to develop in your face later in life. Consider other things to cover your head if you cannot stay with uncovered head. You may think you are looking good and unique while on hats and sleeves, but the truth is the more you wear them, the more the chances of developing wrinkles later in life.

4. Light skin
This is usually to people who have light skin because they tend to experience a higher level of sun damage which definitely speeds up the development of signs and symptoms of wrinkles. Sun usually affects most people’s skin not because they stay long hours on sun but because of their light skin. People with light skin are in risk of many skin problems compared to other people. There is no way you can change your skin from being light since that is how naturally the skin is made.

5. Facial expression
Everybody usually does these facial expressions and no way can be avoided. The more you have facial expressions, the more the chances of developing facial wrinkles. It is true that the first time wrinkles appeared on your face was as a result of facial expressions. This is actually the main cause of wrinkles because regardless of age and size they must develop. You cannot avoid facial expression because it comes even without your knowledge when you are either shocked, telling a story, drinking a bitter thing, pissed off or when laughing. They are natural and automatic to every human being.

6. Exposure to UV ray
These UV rays usually affect your face the more you are exposed to it hence leading to formation of wrinkles. Reduce the rate at which you expose your skin to UV rays to avoid the development of wrinkles on your face. Nobody likes wrinkles especially at early age because they destroy your smooth and beauty face.

The above are some main causes of wrinkles. Though most of these causes may be unavoidable, try your best to avoid the avoidable ones. The research done by scientists has shown that as we get older, our skin gets drier and elastic hence the ability to protect itself from damage is reduced. The skin is organ which is very sensitive hence needs a lot of care with the things and makeup you apply on it.



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