Friday, January 29, 2016

Do Skin Brighteners Really Cure Dull Complexion?

If there is one factor that runs across all people of the world, their skin color notwithstanding, then it is the desire for a flawless and radiant skin. Really, can you point out one person worth his/her salt that does not care about how his/her face looks, especially her face?

This is why an uncountable number of remedies to brighten skin have cropped out. Wherever your turn, whether to the natural or chemical side, you will find a ready remedy more so if you are suffering from a dull complexion.

Dull complexion

Now, you will be said to be having a dull complexion when your skin stops being as radiant as it used to be and is also a bit darker. This can be as result of factors such as age, excessive exposure to the sun among other causes. What happens is that the skin stops being able to moisturize itself as well as remove its dead skin cells. This leaves it with a layer of darkened skin and intense dryness that fully scraps off its former glow.

Remedies to the dull complexion

There are a number of ways to deal with this menace. However, at this point you will only delve into the use of skin brightener. And at a deeper level, we want to unravel whether it is possible to cure this disorder with skin brighteners. You know skin brighteners right? No?

Well a skin brightener is a product that will help steer off all that discoloration and gloominess from the skin by increasing blood flow to the skin, reducing skin pigmentation and removing the dead skin cells that maybe trapped in your skin. In essence if applied properly, these products will be able to get rid of your dullness in a whisper. I mean, what will remain of the dull complexion will remain if the darkened parts are removed and your blood flow is improved? The answer is none. This is because once all the spots are cleared, you will be able to boast of a finer skin tone and a more radiant one hence no dullness will be recorded. Now, the fact that brighteners can do this for you means that they can actually cure dull complexion.

Who can use them?

The best part is that these products can be used by people of all skin colors: from the whites to the blacks. The difference only lies in the fact that those with a darker shade will probably need a stronger brightener than their light skinned counterparts due to the great melanin levels. In addition, some of these products may contain ingredients like hydroquinone which can react in some people who are allergic to it. This is why experts insist on the importance of consulting a dermatologist before you start using any one of these products. But the bottom line is that if you use the best skin brighteners, you will be able to rid your skin off its uneven tone and spots in a record of one month.

Tips for use

These products may sound heavenly and very easy to use, but their use demands more than just mere application. After using the products and finally leaping amazing benefits, it is important to follow their application with some procedures in order to prevent the dullness from recurring. You can do so by:

1. Applying sunscreen consistently

As much as these products are self-proclaimed and people approved discoloration and dullness scrappers, their effects can be easily reversed by extended exposure to the sun. The sun is known for its harmful UV rays that hit the skin and cause darkening. These rays are usually filtered out by melanin, a pigment found in the skin. It is the abundance of this pigment in your skin that will determine how much skin damage you incur and also the darkness of your skin. More melanin in the skin will mean lesser sun damage but an overall darker shade. However, when you apply a skin brightener, you drastically reduce your melanin levels thus you not only make your skin lighter but also more exposed to sun damage. This is why you should always apply sunscreen whenever you go outdoors in order to ensure your skin is still protected from the harmful UV rays that can cause skin darkening in an instant.


Almost everybody in the world desires to have a flawless and spotless skin. However, this does not come easy especially with the sun always shinning, age always roaming at a distance and environmental factors always at waiting to pounce. You however need not worry too much as you can always find solace in skin brighteners. These products will actually cure your dull complexion in an instance although they will demand for consistent application of sunscreen in order to avert any further skin discoloration.



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