Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Brighten Dull Skin with Solvaderm

Your skin goes through so much torture in its lifetime and on a daily basis it is exposed to a range of pollutants and irritants. People who live in urban areas as susceptible to even more toxins and they tend to spend more time outdoors. Also, as people age, their skin tends to lose its luster and become dull. A dull complexion is basically when your skin loses its brightness and liveliness. There are ways that you can brighten your dulling complexion at home using both home remedies and products available through great companies like Solvaderm.

As previously mentioned, there may be multiple causes of a dull complexion including aging and exposure to the elements and pollutants that damage your skin. Some people may, unfortunately, have skin that is genetically duller and they may have inherited it from a family member. Exposure to the sun can make your skin appear dull and even your nutrition and lifestyle can affect the liveliness and brightness of your complexion. It is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Not only will this affect your health overall, but a balanced diet filled with whole and nutritious foods will also help brighten your skin1.

While it may take some time to notice that your skin is losing its luster, the sure sign is the lack of brightness in your skin. You may feel as though your face appears paler than before and you may even have some added irritation or sensitivity.  Other conditions like sun spots and dry patches tend to accompany dull skin but, fortunately, there are remedies and treatments available.
  • Get a full night’s sleep – this will help your body slow the aging process and allow your organs to replenish what has been lost and used during the day
  • A healthy diet and plenty of water 
  • The right skin cares regimen 
  • Avoid alcohol and do not smoke
  • Exerciseregularly
A proper skin care routine can really make a break your complexion. The lack of a proper regimen can lead to many skin conditions including dull complexion. It’s important to cleanse with a brightening cleanser and exfoliate regularly. A leading reason for the complexion appearing dull is a buildup of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Exfoliating with the right products will help remove that dull layer and expose brighter and livelier skin beneath. There are great skin brightening masks that you can purchase or even make at home with items in your refrigerator.

Solvaderm has a great line of products dedicated to helping your skin appear its best. Having a dull complexion does not have to be a permanent ailment. Taking a closer look at your lifestyle and making simple changes can really make a world of difference. Of course using the right line of skin care products will also help to brighten your complexion. You will find a full selection of items designed to bring life back to your skin. Trust a brand backed by years of science – trust Solvaderm. 


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